Friday, August 27, 2021

August Sweeps - Day 573

This is the first time I've spent two nights at the cabin this year.  I just haven't had a free spot in my schedule.  And now, I ought to really work hard, get in as much writing as I can, finish this book and make my way back to the land of internet and television again with my head held high.

Or . . . a nap.  Those are both good options.

Sit-ups Today: 100
Sit-ups In August: 2887

To my surprise, my brother-in-law's kid came over tonight, and was sleeping on the couch when I went in to do push-ups.  With no other alternative that I could think of, I went out on the front lawn and did them.  They were MUCH harder on flat ground/grass than they are on carpet or off a couch.  Still, I stayed outside until I got through them all, and wish I had the dedication to do hundreds of extra sit-ups, which I know I am in need of.

That reminds me, my cousin Jake has started posting increasingly-undressed selfies over on Instagram, showing off his increasingly-impressive physique.  It's not just intimidating, it has driven me to eating pastry.  So, thanks, man.

Push-ups Today: 213
Push-ups In August: 3486

One of the (few) achievements of the day was getting the newest "Delusions of Grandeur" episode edited.

You would not have BELIEVED how long it took to edit the "Delusions" episode.  Well, I don't believe it, and I did it.  I thought, after it was all done, that I could add a single extra joke, so I made a blank spot in the file where Big Anklevich mentioned Sarah McLachlan, and when I got home, downloaded her (still somehow overplayed, more than twenty years later) song "Angel," and stuck a bit of it in there where the blank was.

But for some reason, I was unable to even out the three tracks, and they ended up being out of synch for the rest of the file.  So I had to go through and adjust them until I got to the end, where I had (wisely?) put in the same sound file on all three tracks, which I was then able to adjust so it was *exactly* in line.  I wish, how I wish, that I had remembered that file, and just gone to the end, copied and pasted that file in after the Sarah McLachlan debacle, and adjusted it there, fixing everything that came after . . . but no, I didn't think of it until it was all done, and yet another hour of my life was gone.

Hope the three listeners of "Delusions of Grandeur" (which don't even include Big Anklevich!!) appreciate it.

Words Today: 860
Words In August: 19,258

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