Wednesday, August 04, 2021

August Sweeps - Day 550

I made it to the cabin alive, but you said that only proves that I'm insane.

Actually, I was getting pretty sleepy during the drive.  I had to take my dad's truck (I suppose it's my mom's truck now, though my brother-in-law is the one that always drives it) because my mom bought a new mattress to replace the one I tossed off the balcony two weeks ago*, and she didn't think it wouldn't fit in my car.

I had asked my brother-in-law if I would be able to get it up the stairs by myself (I'm not as strong as he is, nor indeed, as strong as you are, fine reader . . . do you work out?), and he said it was like lifting the four year old.  And when I tried, I found that he was right: I not only could lift it with one hand, but I could have folded it up and put it in the back seat of my little Toyota, instead of trading vehicles with my brother-in-law and coming up here all grouchy.

There was construction on the road, narrowing the two lanes into only one (like there always is), but this time, I was the first vehicle in my lane to reach it (I must've just missed the convoy), and I sat there in the truck so long that I not only killed the engine, but started to doze off in the sunshine and slight breeze.  It was between fifteen and twenty minutes later--a truly unbelievably long time, by stopped traffic measures--that the line of cars from the other direction finally followed their pilot truck back, and it was my turn to go.

The last thing I wanted to do when I got here was unload the truck and/or do any work at all.  But I didn't lay down yet, for a bit of reading and an almost-definite nap.  I turned on the laptop, opened an audio document for editing, made sure I still have that darned M.R. James story to narrate, and began a new blog post.

Sit-ups Today: 111
Sit-ups In August: 411

There was a dead hummingbird on the deck directly beneath the little nest I've been observing these past few weeks.  It was tiny, but fully-feathered, so I didn't know if it was a baby one or an adult one.  

But I went up to the third floor and looked out the window at the nest, and I could see two birds there, one large and one small.  I opened the window (for some reason, we never replaced the screen in it when we cleaned it), and the mother bird zoomed away, though she did buzz around me like an angry bee a couple of times when I stuck my arm out so I could (try to) get a picture.  The remaining baby (though it's possible there are still two in there) seems so precariously perched in the hanging nest, that I'm blown away it hasn't joined its smashed brother on the deck.

Push-ups Today: 204
Push-ups In August: 528

I might write more, but how much can I really say about baby deer and animals in traps? 

Words Today: 1138 (hey, like that terrible movie George Lucas made!)
Words In August: 2843

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