Monday, June 28, 2021

June Sweeps - Day 513

Only a couple of days left in June.  Darn it.

Sit-ups Today: 111 (even with doing an extra eleven a day, I'll never catch up to push-ups)
Sit-ups In June: 3048

Skull! Skull! Skull!  You will die!

A computer before the computer before now, I wrote all of my stories on an old program called Word Perfect.  And when I'd open those old files on a newer computer, or send them to Big's Mac-based system, it would sometimes translate the files in a weird way.  And the weirdest is that it would convert the * * * that I had in between sections of my stories into a row of three skulls.  Honestly, I don't know how that could happen, but it endlessly amused me to see them show up on Big's computer . . . and when we'd narrate the stories, he would always point out the death's heads by saying, "Skull! Skull! Skull!  You will die!"

I miss those days.

Push-ups Today: 66
Push-ups In June: 3393

Now, this is something kind of fun to share with you.  I opened my mom's fridge yesterday, and saw something odd staring back at me.  Yes, it was a tomato, as a matter of fact.  How did you guess?

I was standing at the exact spot for the tomato to look a certain way, so I called my ten year old nephew over to look where I was looking.  He saw it too.

I called my mom over.  She said, "What?  A tomato that looks exactly like Death.  What about it?"

What indeed.

Words Today: 1079
Words In June: 23,614

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