Monday, June 14, 2021

June Sweeps - Day 499

It is the dog days of summer already, even though it is just June.  Today it got up to 104 degrees, the hottest June on record, and on Wednesday, it's supposed to be 107.  I'm sure you know what hot is, but I found two Star Wars figures yesterday at Target, bought them, and left them in the car.  Today, when I went out to the car, this is what they looked like:

Thank god Star Wars fans are even-tempered and reasonable, and wouldn't care about the condition of the packaging on action figures.

Sit-ups Today: 100
Sit-ups In June: 1527

John Oliver ran this thing on his show ("Last Week Tonight") where he looked at local car dealership commercials, and how while they seem like quaint little homegrown ad campaigns, they're actually cookie cutter pieces of garbage written by advertising firms, and executed with varying degrees of quality.

At the end of the show, he made an interesting offer: his writing staff wrote a car commercial that they thought was clever (and non-offensive) that they would be willing to give to any dealership that would sign a contract with HBO to produce and air . . . sight unseen.  In other words, if some used car lot somewhere was brave enough to commit to doing it--WITHOUT KNOWING WHAT IT SAYS, they'd get national attention on a show smart people and Rish Outfield watch every week.

I was delighted by this premise, and look forward to finding out what happens with it in the coming weeks.

While I was driving the other day, I hit something with my windshield that left a bit red splatter.  Whatever it was was so messy, I actually took a picture of it:

I'd like to think it was Tinkerbell.

Push-ups Today: 50
Push-ups In June: 1648

I didn't make it to the library on Friday, and Saturday I was out of town, and yesterday it was closed, so I went today, right before it closed.  Mondays are usually pretty busy for me, and I stayed up insanely late last night (till five or so) doing inventory and boxing stuff up to put in the storage unit, and watching "Hamilton," which I had meant to watch but never had the house to myself where nobody could judge me.

I haven't really gotten into any writing these last couple of days.  In fact, I think I took a lengthy nap when I should've been writing late this afternoon.  Sorry about that.

Words Today: 339
Words In June: 10,866

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