Sunday, June 07, 2020

February Sweeps - Day 128

It's actually morning when I'm typing this.  There's a thunderstorm outside with lots of crashing and it's absolutely pissing rain, like Jesus used to say.

A part of me wants to run over to the storage unit and re-record the song from March that is unusable (that I mentioned yesterday), but I'm afraid the rain will completely ruin the sound.  I think I'll try it and see.*

I wrote a tiny bit, finished my blog from yesterday, and am listening to Elton John's 1971 "Tumbleweed Connection" amid the downpour.  Somebody on Facebook mentioned they were listening to it yesterday, and I had never heard it, though I knew about half the songs.

Now I feel super lazy, despite only having sat here for an hour.  Guess I'll get up and try and do something with my Sunday.

Sadly, I accomplished very little.  Not even sure where most of my day went.  Oh, I did record a new Rish Outcast, and I did finish editing the next one, so that's something.

It astounds me how fast the days go by, whether I'm busy with something, or whether I'm just sitting, enjoying music or a podcast or watching YouTube videos, burning out my fuse up there alone.  The year--this awful, awful year (which is only going to get worse, once the second wave of the pandemic hits and the election happens)--is already half over.

I MAY go to the library again tomorrow (I went for the first and only masked time last Monday), and I am leaning toward going to the cabin again on Wednesday.  We'll see, as those days get closer.

The rain actually kept me from going on a hike today (though, if I had really wanted to, I could've grinned and bore it, except for when I think about how much mud this amount of rain would create, I'm glad I didn't really want to), but I managed to kick my own butt with sit-ups.

Sit-ups Today: 200
Sit-ups in June: 937
Sit-ups Total: 2825

As far as writing goes, I finally reached the bit in the book I wanted to write when I came up with it--Mason is now seeing this new girl, despite having carried a torch for Natalie Whitmore since--literally--the first day he set eyes on her, and he's starting to glimpse light at the end of the tunnel.  And Natalie feels something . . . not jealousy, exactly, but some kind of strange, unsettling disquiet deep within her stomach.

Of course, I didn't write it in the story nearly as well as I just did above.

Writing can be hard, folks.  But I guess anything can be hard, if you squint at it right.

Words Today: 1092
Words In June: 7323

*I did run over there and do a single take before I ate lunch.  I meant to watch it and see how it went, but Big Anklevich called, so I chatted with him instead.  We recorded a mini-podcast (about fifteen minutes), and chatted a while after that.  I'm actually pretty lucky to have a storage unit only seven minutes from where I live . . . even if it costs a hundred bucks a month to keep my junk there.

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