Sunday, March 24, 2019

March Radness - Day 24

So, no excuses today.  I'm now sitting down, my work behind me, with plenty of time to write.

Will I do it?

Does Bob the Builder s**t in the woods?

I certainly intended to.  But what would I write?  What do you do when you're in the middle of a story and you don't know what happens next?

Well, if you're anything like me, you do something else, something that doesn't require deep concentration, and you think about it.  What MIGHT come next?
So, what I did was laundry.  I got super muddy yesterday in my childhood backyard and at the dump (we called it the junk yard, but no, that's being too generous.  I think "dump" is the more accurate term), so I threw two loads into the wash, then had to spend a good long time folding and hanging.  And during that time, I thought about Lara Demming (the child protagonist of the, what, five "Lara and the Witch" stories?), and what might be interesting to have happen next.  You see, I know how the story ENDS.*  But how do we get there?

One step at a time, I suppose. 

Anyhow, I got an idea for a scene that might be kind of fun, might be kind of scary.  I was putting that sheet thing that you lay on on my bed (you know, the one with gripping corners that you put on each corner of the mattress, but is always a monumental task for me because all four corners of my bed are covered with years of garbage, two or three feet of it.  Charming, yes), when I thought, "Okay, that's what I'll write next."  And like the worst part of being a writer, the times you most WANT to write . . . are when you can't.

So, I just left that sheet thing off the bed, and ran over here and sat down to start my writing.  I can make the bed later.  Or never.  Like the man said, she's just gonna throw it up again anyway.

Wait, that was no man, baby.  It was Sandra Bullock.

Like last Sunday, I did quite well tonight.

Words Today: 1,947
Words Total: 19,321

*And if you really wanna know, I'll tell you: Lara and Old Widow Holcomb go off together, into the great wide open, under the skies of blue.

1 comment:

spaceVulture said...

Somehow I don't see Old Widow Holcomb as a rebel without a clue...