Monday, March 11, 2024

Still Fighting It

I keep trying to replace covers and publish stories that had been sitting around, waiting their turn.

Next up is "Sleepless Afternoon," the prose version of a sketch I wrote for the show in 2010 or so.  It was a semi-amusing* piece where a vampire child awakens his father with fears of daylight, old English professors, the sun, Southern California vampire slayers, etc.  I had never released it on its own, so I tried to get an image of a little boy hiding under the covers.

I even went in and put vampire teeth on this one, but felt that less was more (although I did add a bit of orange to his eyes in the other, less angry kid).

But the first image worked a little better . . . though maybe not perfect for the story's tone.  Hey, you be the judge.  You can find the story HERE, if you like.

It's been a while, but I'm fond enough of that old sketch that I might record a video of myself reading that one and put it on my Patreon too.  We'll see--I do hate to edit videos.

Oh, that reminds me, I opened up "Bundling Made Easy" the other day, to add a link to "Here To Help" at the end (Abbie suggested I put a list of the other entries in a series on every one, and I'm going to assume that it has helped me sell copies), and I discovered that I had somehow pasted my About The Author page in the middle of the document.  So I removed it, and while I was at it, replaced Chapter 6 with an extended Chapter 6 I had started last year and never included in the final version.  I wish there were a way to let anybody who bought a copy simply switch it out Walmart-style for the newer version, but I suppose they could simply let me know and I woul--

What's that?  Nobody bought "Bundling Made Easy?"  Nobody?  So, Big was right?  Oh.

Never mind then.

*Your kilometridge may vary.

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