Sunday, March 10, 2024

New Clerk, Old Story

This was my mock-up of what I wanted for a cover, using a free stock photo.

As I mentioned earlier (although I've been posting these out of order, so maybe I mentioned it later), I've been republishing stories with superior covers this month, and publishing stories that I somehow failed to put out there over the years.  And the one I'm plugging today is called "Meet the New Clerk, Same As The Old Clerk."  It's a story in the Dead & Breakfast series, and deals with Meeshelle Lovett, a one-time employee of the Noble Oaks Bed & Breakfast, who quit working there, and is now coming back.

And this was Big's improvement on it.

For a year and a half, maybe two, I was knee-deep in the Dead & Breakfast stories, cranking them out as fast as I could.  That time seems behind me, but I'm still fond of the series.  I like this particular story because I like Meeshelle, and that she's afraid to come back to the haunted motel, but forces herself to do so anyway.  

Check it out HERE, if you like.

This was the 2024 version I came up with--which is much closer to what I wanted in my head.

And this was the finished product Big gave me.

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