Sunday, April 05, 2020

April Sweeps - Day 65

Sorry, this post has nothing to do with Khan (not even Comic-Khan).  I wish that it did.  I truly do.

While out running last night, I got this idea for something I'd have Fake Sean say on his Instagram.  Since the fit has hit the shan, I've cared less and less about my own Instagram (and have had to go back to last year to find pictures I took I haven't used yet), but there may still be people out there who need to hear FSC's words of encourageme--

Ah, who am I kidding?  Nobody cares.

Regardless, once I'd gotten home, I could no longer remember what it was going to be, so I recorded nothing anyway.

I finished editing another Rish Outcast today, and will start on the Dunesteef episode either tonight or tomorrow.  I also meant to sit down and record either another short story, or the first bits of "Three Time Visitor," which is the next "Dead & Breakfast" story in the rotation.  Perhaps you are sick of hearing about these D&B stories.  I'm certainly sick of podcasting about them.  But I'm always tempted to write another one like "Touching the Other Side," inspired by old EC Comics, where a morally reprehensible person goes there and gets his/her comeuppance.

I've also considered doing one where a guy/girl from a temp agency is sent over there to sort through years of Mrs. Bice's files, and due to car trouble or a miscommunication, ends up staying there all night, and something knocks on the door of the file room before s/he's finished.*

That reminds me: Big Anklevich finished his novel, finished his Christmas story, and finished off a jumbo box of Pop Tarts, and didn't know what to work on Friday for his writing.  He asked me for suggestions, and I gave him a story prompt, which he actually sat down** and wrote.  He finished it today, which ought to feel good.  We ought to swap story prompts more often.

In other news, though, I pumped up my bike tires for the first time in . . . oh, no, did I not ride my bike at all in 2019? (it's totally possible), and rode around the neighborhood this afternoon.  There's a bike trail by the park where I wrote on Tuesday (and saw the impromptu wedding), and I thought I'd explore it.  Unfortunately, my rear end was not used to bicycle seats, and feels like I broke down on the Butt-Kick-Go-Round ride at Disneyland.

I got almost no writing done today.  I can't say that it was because I was too busy (although I did go to Costco with my sister again--second time this year--and we found this interesting info posted out front:

I also played cards with my nephews, but wow, after an hour or so, I was ready to stop, and after two hours, I was irritable and eager to do anything but), although I didn't do any napping, and (hardly any) lounging around.

I did sit down and write the penultimate scene in my Fat Ian's Pizza story.  In the final scene, well, Something Bad with happen.  Oh wait, I think there's a scene after that too.  Shoot, I'm not nearly done.

I think I'll write one more paragraph before I hit the hay.

Words Today: 538
Words In April: 4584

P.S. Each day I'm posting one of these.

Day 5. "Cum On Feel The Noize" by . . . Twisted Sister Quiet Riot.  For some reason, just like 4-LOM and Zuckuss, I always have Quiet Riot and Twisted Sister switched in my mind.  I'm never able to get it right, either. 

*This was actually an idea I had over a year ago, before I ever started writing "Touching the Other Side" or "Night Clerk," but never did anything with.  And probably still won't.

**Did you see it?  This post's "actually?"  There's always one.

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