Friday, March 27, 2020

Storage Unit Serenade 3 (Redux)

Since I have one I'd like to drop on the first of April, and they have completely filled up my Dropbox (honestly, I could post one of these I've already recorded a week and it would get us through summer without having to do any more), I'm going to post my full version of Sting's "I'm So Happy (I Can't Stop Crying)," which was the first song I ever Storage Unit Serenaded.

Once I got my new(ish) phone, I realized I could do whole songs instead of just a minute or so from a song.

Stats don't apply on this one (a redo), though it's in the Nineties category.

Don't forget, you're under no obligation to watch these, though I AM obliged to do them whenever I go to the storage unit.

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