Friday, August 21, 2020

August Sweeps - Day 203

No blog post today.  I spent a lot of the day moving everything out of my Uncle Len's house and onto trucks, then unloading that at his storage unit.  It was only ninety or ninety-two out, but by the afternoon, I think everybody was praying to Shiva "Let me die."

Now the evil of Kali take me, of course.

As far as everything else goes, I got a lot of food in me, did my run (there was somebody standing out in the front yard of the house where I saw the ghost, but it was a man and he seemed to be gardening or looking for worms*), did some sit-ups, and even though I didn't start until ten-thirty or so, I still got a thousand words written on this new Natalie Whitmore story.  She got to her photoshoot, and is warned about bears (which was inspired by a sign I saw while waiting for someone to text me back yesterday, telling people what to do if attacked by a bear).  

I went on my run, and decided to name the love interest guy after two of the singers I heard during that stretch: Marc Cohn and Don McLean.  Naming characters is pretty fun.  Natalie Whitmore, for example, was named after James Whitmore, who played Brooks in SHAWSHANK.  Or maybe she wasn't; I don't remember at this point.

So far, the story has jack squat to do with ghosts or hauntings, but I don't really care anymore.  I'm pretty set in my mind that the first day I miss writing in a row, I will never write again.  And good riddance.  What has it ever got me, these many, many, many hours of writing?

Sit-ups Today: 111
Sit-ups In August: 3970

Words Today: 1426
Words In August: 22,301

*Probably making sure the place he buried his wife or daughter was good and undisturbed, when I happened to jog by.

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