Wednesday, February 03, 2021

February Sweeps - Day 368

Today was Wednesday, and I wish I had a bunch of interesting stories to tell you about it.  Truth is, I accomplished very little--a carpet cleaner came early in the morning and everything had to be cleaned out of the various rooms so the floors could be done, with things moved from one room to the other, and me, being tired anyway from hanging out with my cousin last night until two, was pretty tired.  

Sit-ups Today: 100
Sit-ups In February: 366

The Tales To Terrify podcast sent me a story to narrate for them the other day, and it ended up being quite long (I also decided to do a different voice for the narrator after I reached the second page, so went back and did it all again), but is frankly nothing compared to doing the audio of my own work, where the writing itself is pretty much the shortest aspect of the process (rewriting, recording, and editing being the lion's share of the time investment).  I asked the producer when he needed the finished story by, and he didn't reply, so I went onto their site and discovered how amazing the cover art is for each story they do (and they're a weekly podcast, so damn).  Guess I should get on that as soon as I can.

Push-ups Today: 0 (ooooooh, epic fail.  I knew I had to do it, went on my run before doing the push-ups, and then fell asleep without having done them.  Sorry)
Push-ups In February: 279

I had a podcast with Marshal, then I set up my mic and finished recording "Suckers For Mystery."  The final doc was about twelve thousand words, and I really ought to do something with all these Dead & Breakfast audio files (besides the three I've released episodes of the Outcast of).

This was a pretty pathetic day, all in all, but what can you do?  Just move on to tomorrow, maybe do better.  Buh.

Words Today: 398
Words In February: 1967

Oh, around eleven pm, Marshal and I were supposed to record a bit for our podcast, and I had everything set up after he texted, "Ready to record?"  I texted back, "Sure."  But minutes went by, and he hadn't called me, and I picked up my phone and--

(I am old and don't understand Smartphones.  This is one I got in July and I don't know how certain things work on it.  For example, every once in a while, a voice activation mode turns on, by itself, and will answer me in its female voice.  I don't know how to turn it on, except to press the Microphone button and ask, "What are people from Saskatchewan known as?" and the voice will say, "According to Reddit, people from Saskatchewan are known as Filthy Skatchies."  So hopefully this sets up the rest of this lil anecdote)

--checked to see if I had somehow missed Marshal's call.  I hadn't.  "Why didn't he call?" I asked aloud.  And the female voice spoke up from the phone, saying, "Why didn't he call?  According to Psychology Today, it's the familiar cry of women left scratching their heads after a seemingly wonderful date with Mr. Right: Why didn't he call?"

Perhaps, like every Millennial and Zoomer, my phone has become my best friend, there when nobody else is.  Thanks, Google Lady.

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