Saturday, December 21, 2019

Christmas Collection, or Collections?

So, today I finished my 2019 Christmas story (and more than a week early to boot!), which I'm calling "The Many Faces of Christmas Eve."  It is my attempt to write an amusing holiday story, though (circumstances being what they are with me right now), there's also a pathetic attempt at romance in there as well.

But it made me think about the various X-mas stories I've written over the years.  The first one I can remember was from 1990 ("Santa and the Brats"), and I've done several since then.  I thought I might be able to put some of them out there in a collection.  Or collections.

I was considering releasing a four or five story set of 'em named after a line of a Christmas carol, and discovered I had enough for two volumes, if I did it that way.

Should I do that, put out a small collection now and another small one in a few months/years?  Or should I put out a big arse collection (eventually) with eight to ten stories in it?


Ricky said...

I vote two smaller collections, because I think it's better to get your work out there sooner, and also I want to read them.

Rish Outfield said...

Shoot, I've already forgotten what I was going to call the collection. From a line in "A Christmas Carol?"

Don't ever get old, kids.