Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Won't You Tell Me Now, Who's Bad?

Like I mentioned earlier, I've been upgrading the cover art on some of my available stories, and in doing so, I've stumbled upon some tales that I thought were out there, but turned out not to have been published.  Among them was "The Bad Man In Room 2," one of the Dead & Breakfast stories (and one of two that I thought I'd put out a while ago (the cover art for this one was from over a year ago).

I even had cover art for it. 

But I think neither of us loved that one (I'd grabbed a rather non-descript photo of a hotel room door from Unsplash, but the only thing that tells you the genre is the text.

So, here we are, only a couple of hours later, and he's sent me a better one . . . BUT I went out and asked my computer friend to make me something a bit more distinctive, not to mention a bit more indicative of the story itself.  I had to go a few rounds, but this is what it/we came up with:

I had to manually stick the 2 on the door, but you'd never notice if I hadn't said so just now.

The story's available RIGHT HERE, if you wanna check it out.

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