Friday, February 10, 2023

The Rise of the Quordel Quell

Okay, some of my ire toward Marshal "The Mutilator" Latham has gone away.  After several attempts, I got an idea that I liked for my assigned words: DRAFT, DRAIN, CLUNGE, and BANJO

The only one of those four that ever did anything for me was "banjo," so I kept trying, and finally found a banjo idea that I thought would work.  I started writing it two nights ago, and was absolutely furious when my nephew called me after twenty minutes to come get him at the rec center.  I was even angrier, though, when I logged off my computer, went out to the car, and drove over, to discover that the rec center is only two blocks away from the library--on the same street, even.*

Disgusted, I forced the boy to come to the library with me and sit until it closed, and in that time, I got the first page or so written, and last night, I went back and wrote a couple more pages, managing to incorporate "drain" into the story.  Not sure how the other two words will fit.  This is so much work for a contest I'm not going to win, but ah well.

*I honestly didn't know that, because I always drive to the library from a different side of town.  But now, I feel dumber than Big Anklevich's brother that got a ball-peen hammer knocked through his head.  Has he never told you that story?  It's the weirdest thing: the hammer didn't fall on him, but HE fell on the hammer.  Yeah, I know.

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