Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Audiobook Update

One of my February goals was to get Abbie's book halfway recorded.  Well, that I achieved, and rather easily too (the recording's the good part).  I believe I wanted to have the editing one-quarter done, and that has proved more difficult (the audio seems to be going out on my laptop, which is three steps beyond vexing).  Still, I can get there.

I keep catching mistakes, though, like misreading lines that I only catch in the edit, or a couple lines where I did the wrong voice for a character.  And if you're from the UK, it's got to suck to hear me pronounce the letter A in an American way when I'm doing an English accent . . . because it sucks for me to hear it.*  And then, of course, there are the mouth sounds.  Ohhhh, the mouth sounds.

I've been listening to the audiobook for Stephen King's "Fairy Tale," and I discovered something surprising: there are mouth sounds audible throughout the narration.  If that exists, in a major, mainstream release, maybe I'm sweating too much small stuff.

I've also been doing chapters of my book "Not the Same," here and there.  Sometimes I have to take a break from work and do something else.  I probably ought to get another Podcast That Dares done, but I thought I had two in the can, all ready to go, but when I went to my files yesterday, I couldn't find either one.  I don't have cover art for them either, so it could be the start of Early Onset Dementia.

*"Say Awe-fter, not ah-fter, you idiot!"

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