Monday, January 10, 2022

January Sweeps - Day 709

Have I mentioned that I had been planning to do a daily marathon of podcasts in the new year, inspired by Marshal Latham's recent "Walk of Life" podcasts?  Well, if I haven't, it was something I started planning in November, and then got so busy I couldn't manage to put them out on New Year's Day as I'd intended. 

Anyhow, I was nearly done with the first episode yesterday, then went out and interacted with my family, playing cards with sister's family, and trying to get some items listed on eBay, and when I came back into my room, my laptop (which I am on the precipice of naming the Craptop II) had gone to sleep, and would not wake up again.  This is something that happens, oh, once a month or so (though I think it last happened in 2022, so the frequency must be increasing).  I restarted the computer, and it wouldn't boot up (again), and I restarted it a second time, and this time, it did start up, but I had lost what I had been working on that day.*

But today, I finally got the first of my daily podcasts edited, and ready to go.  I started on the second immediately after, and if I could just put the world on pause for a minute, I'd do two or three more, hoping that was enough of a head start to begin posting them daily.  I've got about twenty-five or twenty-six of them on my hard drive (I recorded thirty, and somehow lost or deleted three or four of them between November and December), and that should be more than enough to get me through a month**.  Regardless, at least one person will enjoy listening to them, and while I'd prefer that number to be higher, we'd all prefer to be high right now, I'm sure.

Sit-ups Today: 100
Sit-ups In January: 1011

Push-ups Today: 100
Push-ups In January: 992

Words Today: 705
Words In January: 6140

*In the past, this has been absolutely heartbreaking, when what I've lost represented hours of work, instead of what I lost yesterday, which was probably forty minutes or so.  Still, any of it should be unacceptable.

**Or more, if I choose to take the weekends off and only post the daily shows Monday through Friday.  Which I probably wouldn't do--when Big and I would do marathons on the Dunesteef page, we'd do a literal stretch of posting seven days a week, but that was with me editing and him posting them, so I don't know what I'm capable of.

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