Thursday, January 30, 2020

February's Up Next

So, February's not my favorite month (maybe twelfth-favorite?), but I usually try to get some writing done.  So, my goal is not only to Write Every Day In February, but keep track of my words, and let y'all know about it.

Wish me luck!

On a more somber note . . . if any of y'all hate February because of That Day and are feeling down, know that you are not alone.  You are a good person . . . or trying to be . . . or are a pretty crappy person but are aware of it (and that still makes you better than most).  Go back a couple of days and read that "You Are Enough" post.

Just today, I heard That Girl (the one I'm all dorky over . . . well, dorkier than usual, anyway) say to someone (else), "You are enough," and it warmed my heart.  My heart has been particularly warm these last few weeks.

Try just a little harder.  Smile one more time than you feel like doing.  You are enough.



BeastVigilante said...

If I am smiling, it is because I am thinking something horrible. I am a crappy person and acutely aware of it. So yes, I will smile one more time in honor of this horrid month. Sigh.

Rish Outfield said...

Actually, Unknown, I have it on good authority that you're not quite as crappy as you claim to be. Maybe it's just the awful human beings that are standing on either side of you (they skewed the data).