Wednesday, February 07, 2024

R. Crusoe Moment

I remember (pretty vividly) Stephen King in 1997 mentioning that in "Robinson Crusoe," there was a bit where the main character stripped naked and swam out to a nearby island, where he gathered up what he found and filled his pockets with it.  He brought it up in regard to discovering a similar mistake in his current book ("The Green Mile"), but promised it would be fixed in future editions.*

Well, I discovered my own Robinson Crusoe moment while editing yesterday, where Lara Demming meets a man whose hair looks like he cut it himself . . . and on the next page, he takes off his hat.

It's not that big a deal, and I know I'm no King or Defoe, but I wonder if it's something I should sit down and fix (and re-record), knowing there are probably dozens more of those kind of errors still out there, unnoticed by me.

*Unusually, "Green Mile" was published in paperback first, and then in a hardcover version a number of years later.

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