Thursday, August 11, 2022


I got a chapter done, and about half a Rish Outcast.  I was also listening to Marshal Latham's newest "Journey Into..." podcast, which made me excited to write stories and produce them in audio (that reminds me, I ought to write up a post about it, since I do a voice in it).

I watch a DVD every time I come here, and today's pick was 1951's THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL.  Unfortunately, I remembered it well enough from the last time I saw it (which by my memory was early 2000) that I just switched it over to the audio commentary, by Robert Wise and Nicholas Meyer (directors, oddly enough, of the first and second "Star Trek" movies).  It did, I must admit, make me curious about the more recent remake (with Keanu Reeves and Jennifer Connelly), and I thought I might check that out, if I can find it on streaming or the library.  How bad could it be?

Every time I come to the cabin, I drive over to the dam, and force myself to run from one side of it to the other.  It has become yet another tradition for me.  I also check my messages and sometimes try to watch YouTube videos from the tiny spot of wi-fi accessibility on top of it.  Because it's so hard to find, in June, I drew a line in the gravel to mark where to stand, and frequently use it as a finish line when I'm running (by the time I'm on my way back, I'm usually so out of breath and desperate to lie down that I need the psychological push of a visible marker.

Each week, I stand there, try to get a signal, and use my tennis shoes to redraw the line a little deeper.

But what's weird is, I go there every Wednesday, and every Wednesday, the line is either filled in by wind, half washed away by water, or in this week's case, completely re-covered by human hands (or most likely feet).  Somebody has seen what I've done and says, "I see your evil-doing, and it is my job to oppose you."  Next time, I need to remember to bring a shovel and a can of spray paint.

Here, let me try that graph thing I mentioned yesterday:
0 / 52
Pretty ugly, but hey, it gets the point across.

I finally sat down and forced myself to create the art for the cover of my story "But Now I'm Found."  Now I just have to tape it to a powerline or lamppost and take a picture.

Oh, and write an author's note.  I meant to do that on Wednesday.*  I think that, every day of my adult life, I have said or thought the words, "I meant to do that ____."  I won't miss me when I'm gone.

Arcove or Exercise: Both

*Are you a writer?  Do you like writing Author's Notes?  Does it bring you pleasure or pain to think back on the origins of stories or books, and your feelings now that they're done?  What if you're like me and you go, "Huh.  I don't remember where this came from.  But I must've written it, since it has my name on it."

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