Sunday, October 01, 2017

Rish Outcast 85: Travels With Father 2

Warning: TMI.

Well, this one has been a long time in coming.  In what'll probably be my longest-ever episode, I record my thoughts about my father, our last times together, and the frustrating and exhausting days after that.

Again, this episode is the MUTHA of over-shares, so if you don't want to see how they make the sausage, and what happens to it when the body is through, you may consider skipping this one.

If that's the case, I'll be back to my regular shenanigans in just a week or so.

Download the show?  Alright, just Right-Click HERE.

Also, I attempted to do a video version of the 2017 introduction, but the video stopped recording after six minutes, leaving only the audio.  If you feel like checking that out, it's here:


Nathan Ahlgrim said...

As the son of a funeral director, I can confirm that the majority of funeral-related traditions (flowers, pallbearers, caskets) are UTTERLY RIDICULOUS.

spaceVulture said...

I always feel like I'm a stalker, or someone who's butting into your life on some of these personal episodes, I actually appreciated you saying that you want us to feel like we know you. That does take off some of the creepy feelings that I get from time to time.

Keep recording your thoughts, especially in situations like this. Finding that outlet and coping mechanism is a valuable thing.