Friday, July 29, 2022



I apologize for always complaining about stuff, but I was watching "Better Call Saul," and they had "Gene Takavic" run into a guy he knew back in New Mexico when he was Saul Goodman.  But I didn't recognize him.  I rewound it, watched it again, and paused it, still flummoxed.*  I just didn't recognize the guy who recognized Gene/Saul.

So I looked him up.  And sigh.

It was not the same actor who played the character in the old episodes.  Whoops.  Guess I'm not as stupid as the show made me feel.  Thanks, television.

In other news, I told Jeff today that the Gherkin is the most beautiful building in the world.  He laughed, but . . .

I'm back at the library right now, and the dude across the aisle from me is having a nice little mumbly chat with himself, twitching and rocking while he's doing so.  He's obviously mentally ill, and just as his behavior started to upset me . . . I thought about how I talked to myself this morning, trying to get my work done, and that one of the voices had an English accent and the other one didn't.  So, I need to be a bit more charitable, thank you very much.

I started writing again (though I sure wanted to look up every single possible thing that occurred to me . . . still do), and used the word "discomfort."  It seemed like the appropriate word, but I wanted to make sure I hadn't already used it.  So I did a search . . . and it was the NINTH time I had used "discomfort." 
I could've written more.  I could've written longer.  But I managed 670 words, and sorry to be a douche, but the guy across from me (who probably got more words written than me, truth be told) was making me nervous.  So I hit the road a full half hour early.  Sorry.

Writing or Exercise: Writing

*This confusion MIGHT have been avoided had this episode included a "Previously on Buffy the Vampire Slayer..." but it didn't.

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