Saturday, February 01, 2025

2024 Goals - How Did I Do?

Well, we're a month into 2025, and I had this post just hanging around . . . I might as well release it.

So, a year ago, I created my list of goals/New Year's Resolutions for 2024.  I did a couple of blog posts looking at how I was doing, but I should've done it more often (because out of sight is out of mind, and I am completely out of mind).  But the year is done, and so, let's see how I did.

1.  Exercise 222 Days
Hmm.  I managed to exercise 301 days in 2024.  By my math, that is 135% of my goal.  Not bad, kid.

2.  Put out 5th audio collection

Sure, that one's done.  And it's available to purchase AT THIS LINK

I got the introduction from Big, so that means it's all on me.

3.  Release "Balms & Sears" novel

Yes, and it was more work than I've ever done, both in the writing and the recording/editing, on a book.

You could buy it HERE.  If you wanna.

4.  Clear out my room . . . a bit
Epic fail.

5.  Finish "Melancholy Christmas Night" story
Yep, finished it in February. 

6.  Write "Sins of a Sidekick" novella
Yep, that one too.

7.  Write 10 stories (and finish them)

1.  Melancholy Christmas Night

2.  I Got A Secret

3.  The Day Before The Day Before Christmas

4.  Your Partner On The Road

5.  Happy Birthday Mister Cundy

6.  Witchcraft Fair Story

7.  Slightly Used/Slightly Cursed

8.  The Second Biggest Star Wars Fan In The World

9.  Faithfully 

10.  Family Christmas Story 2024

11.  The Grand Tour

12.  The Last Christmas

8.  Put out 10 episodes of The Podcast That Dares Not Speak Its Name
Yes, I did get ten episodes out in 2024.  On my Patreon.  All the more reason you should go HERE.

9.  Sell Trypticon

Nope.  I only went to four or so toy sales the whole year, and the one I took the big Transformer to, nobody was interested.

10.  Avoid retail price, wait for clearance
I didn't avoid it completely, but wow, way more than had been my track record.  Except for at Ross toward the end of the year, I'd say I bought fifty to sixty percent fewer toys in '24 than in '23 or '22.  Oh, and even though it was my goal last year and not this year, I bought so few G.I. Joes in 2024 that the number could be rounded down to zero.

11.  Do 3 things that scare me
a.  Putting out physical copies of my books scares me, so I think this qualifies.
b.  Applying for a new job, even though I didn't think I was qualified for it ABSOLUTELY counts.
c.  And along those lines, having to be an authority figure, having to tell homeless people not to lie on the floor, having to confront troublemakers, that has been scary to me, and it still scares me, but it's going to get easier the more that I do it.

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