Not too long ago, a friend of the Dunesteef, Jonathan Wilson, contacted me, asking if I had any lines in stories for him to voice, since he missed those old days where we would have folks send us lines for characters in full-cast stories. I don't tend to use any other voices in my stories (though I'm occasionally tempted with female characters), but I told him Big might have a slot or two for him on his show.
Not to be deterred, Jonathan has made his own show, written his own stories, and has been releasing them over on YouTube. And now the worm has turned, as I'm voicing a couple of characters in Jonathan's story "Vega." It's about a military listening post that gets a message from outer space, originating in the Vega star system.
I just watched it and . . . holy Aerosmith video-era Alicia Silverstone, he seems to have made some kind of animated motion comic, using uncanny valley A.I. character images that move their mouths when there's dialogue. It's not like anything I've seen . . . and to my horror, I realized that Specialist Donaldson kind of looks like me, facial hair and everything!
The future is here, kids.
Check it out AT THIS LINK, if you dare.