Sunday, July 21, 2024

Yes, Another Audio Collection

It's finally here, my next audio collection . . . Volume 5 of "The Audio Fiction of Rish Outfield."  It's available and ready to purchase.

Okay, okay, this isn't the ACTUAL cover, but a mock-up Gino sent me as a test.  Still, it's so good of him to do it that, I did sit down and try to think up a story that could fit that title.  When I came to, I decided it just wasn't worth it, as awesome as that story might be.

So, this one is noteworthy because Big Anklevich recorded an introduction for it.*  Beyond that, it features the following stories:

A Lovely Singing Voice
Palm Reading (Flash Fiction)
Last Lunch At Charburger
Troubled Child
You’ve Got A Friend
Worrywart (Flash Fiction)
Monitored Conversation
Bad Trip
Birthday Boy (Flash Fiction)
Know When To Walk Away, Know When To Run

And, as a twisted bonus, I included the author's notes this time.  I mean, why not?

It's available to purchase AT THIS LINK.  I realize this has taken me longer than The Winds of Winter, but it's finally out there now.  What's an extra three years between friends?

*Though Audible did give me a hard time about that when I initially credited both of us as narrators on the audiobook.  I think something similar happened when he tried to put out a version of "Last Contact," after I had already claimed it as my work.

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