Tuesday, September 06, 2022

Eye-Opening Guest Appearance on Anklecast

If you miss the Dunesteef, Big Anklevich was better than his word, and to Announcer Man (who did NOT die), he became like a second father to him.  So over on the Anklecast, he had me as a guest, where I do a voice and participate in the after-story banter, just like old times.  His story was called "Eye-Opening," about a naive artificial child brought into a family to replace the biological child who died.  

He's got music, sound effects, and a full cast, including an honest-to-Bossk CHILD doing the child's voice.  Big cast me according to type, and I get to scream and rant and beat a child with a crowbar.  It really does feel like old times, even though it's Big this time trying to have a conversation with decade-old Announcer clips.  Check it out HERE.

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