Thursday, November 18, 2021

November Sweeps - Day 656

Every once in a while, we get to a day like today, which could well be the final day of this writing and exercising marathon.  It was only by extreme force of will that I got up and started typing this, intending first to do a few sit-ups and push-ups, which I still ought to do.

I got sick in the middle of the night last night (around four), with discomfort and then pain in my chest and back, heartburn, I guess, but it persisted and increased and waned while I drank down Pepto Bismol and tried to get comfortable.  Eventually, I looked up on the internet what could be done, and it said to drank baking soda mixed with water.  So, I reached into the back of the refrigerator, opened the box of Arm & Hammer, and drank down two glasses of baking soda water, which was super unpleasant.

So unpleasant that, around the time the sun was brightening the horizon (turning everything outside into a wash of unhealthy blue), I made a visit to the bathroom to rid my stomach of all it contained, in a wash of also-unhealthy pink.  Usually vomiting makes you feel better, and this did, somewhat, but not enough.

Sit-ups Today: 100
Sit-ups In November: 1855

My nephew gets migraines, and sometimes, when he does, he'll make himself a hot bath and stay in there for at least an hour (sometimes, he'll turn out the lights too, and just float in there in the dark).  So that's what I did.  Unfortunately, the kids were getting up for school while I was in there, so my timing was not perfect.  The bath did help, though, as I completely submerged myself except for my face, and it was something similar to Daredevil's sensory deprivation tank.

This was the first image that came up when I did a search for "Daredevil tank."  Whoops.

If you've never been sick, well, hey, I salute you, but I have to admit that the entire day was pretty much wasted.  I fell back asleep again around eight in the morning, and didn't wake up until noon.  I tried to get some work done, but sat down on the couch because I was feeling dizzy . . . and fell asleep again, not waking up until my nephew came home from school.

I was cold too, throughout the day, even though the kids said it wasn't cold to them.

I tried to make something of myself today, but to no avail.  I have to guess that I slept fifteen or more hours today, which feels super gross and indulgent, but if it means I'm functional tomorrow, it's a fine price to pay.

Push-ups Today: 100
Push-ups In November: 2115

Finally, I sat down at my laptop to do some audio editing, and . . . what the hey, I was suddenly asleep again.  I knew I hadn't exercised or written, and I tried to get my body to get up so I could do so.  And I couldn't.  It was that surreal, weird my-mind-is-trapped-in-my-body thing that used to happen to me when I was zonked-out on allergy medication and I felt paralyzed.  I tried two or three times to get myself up and out, but it took a supreme force of will, realizing my streak would be over (and not by choice), and I rose, got up, did some push-ups (easy), some sit-ups (hard), and then sat down to write something (also hard).

Luckily, once I was up, I was up.  I made myself some noodles, I drank a ton of water, I blogged, I surfed the net, and I wrote a little scene for the outpost pandemic story I started in January (and abandoned).

I would be extremely proud of myself if I could continue the story and finish it, since it was unlike what I normally write, and fairly ambitious.  Either way, I'm feeling better already.

Words Today: 411
Words In November: 12,620

1 comment:

Big Anklevich said...

Pepto Bismol was my mom's medicine of choice. I have so many stories I could tell you about post-Pepto vomiting. One time she bought me the chewable tablets, and I had to run in the house and puke in the garbage disposal, because it only took as far as the trip from the grocery store to do its work. I could even see the pieces of the pills there on the flap of the garbage disposal. What's more, I only felt mildly sick before she gave me the Pepto Bismol. That shit is fierce.