Wednesday, December 08, 2021

December Sweeps - Day 676

Boy, I haven't been keeping up with the blogging lately.  I seem to have misplaced my will to care.

But these things happen in cycles, right?  One day, something will happen, and I'll be blogging away again, like a good little reptile.  I'll see you then.

Sit-ups Today: 100
Sit-ups In December: 800

Marshal Latham wrote a sketch for our Star Wars podcast and sent it to me.  I unthinkingly went into it and started adding little jokes and details to it, figuring he could keep what he liked and discard the rest.  But what I didn't realize until later was that he didn't send the file to me, but he SHARED the file with me on Googledocs . . . and I was changing the only copy that existed.  

That kind of overstepping is what got me in trouble when I collaborated on writing projects in the past, but seems to be something I've not grown out of.  Well, I hope he still goes through and keeps the stuff he likes and disregards the rest.

Push-ups Today: 111
Push-ups In December: 836

Words Today: 554
Words In December: 4250

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