Thursday, November 11, 2021

November Sweeps - Day 649

Not much to report today.  I've decided, in a couple of hours, to pack everything up, my suitcase, my blankets, my extra cans of food, and take it with me.  I burned through all my logs during the night, and the snow still covers everything, making collecting firewood for next week hard and probably pointless.

Sit-ups: 100
Sit-ups In November: 1133

I got myself a gig on a movie for Saturday, and signed my nephew up for it too, thinking it would be something fun we could do together.  They were going to shoot last Saturday, then bumped it to Sunday, and then bumped it again to this upcoming Saturday, and each time, I told them we'd do it.  Then, they told me they only wanted my nephew, and not me, and that bummed me out, because it's an hour drive, and will probably be super early in the morning, and to do all that just to have to sit and--gasp!--read books or sleep in the holding area, well, that did not appeal to me.

But I asked them to think of me if somebody dropped out, and someone must have, so they added me to the schedule.  We had to go get COVID tests yesterday, and my nephew had a migraine, so he didn't go to school, but he was willing to drive over with me to spit in a cup in early afternoon.

Push-ups: 111
Push-ups In November: 1193

I was going to go into the bedroom and record one last story from that book of British ghost stories I've had from the library for eight weeks now, but then I thought that, if I wanted to, I could end the Will Choner story I've been working on this past week (the one from last year) and fulfill one of those New Year's Resolutions I'm pretty sure I set for myself this year, which was to finish an unfinished project (my actual resolution might have been to finish two).

So I did.  I sat down, and wrote a final scene (in addition to the one I'd written last night), and typed "the end," and thought that that was good enough, even without the big life-or-death struggle I had worried I'd have to finish the story on last year.  I've since written another little one that follows this one, so there's no reason I couldn't just keep writing short stories, and maybe never come up with the big, awful, "Will has to find an explosive device" novella I've been kicking around for half a decade.

I drove home, and made the best of it, recording two podcasts for the new year, for two of the three stories I sat down and recorded today.  I feel I made pretty good use of my time.

Words: 550
Words In November: 8790

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