Wednesday, November 03, 2021

November Sweeps - Day 641

Every time I come to the cabin nowadays, I think it'll be the last time.  Today is warmer and less snow-covered than last week, but when I think of the sun going down around five o'clock next week, I suspect this SHOULD be my last visit here.

Sit-ups Today: 100
Sit-ups In November: 322

I was able to gather logs for the fire today, and built a fire right before I sat down to write this, but it has already gone out.  I guess I'll try again.

Push-ups Today: 100
Push-ups In November: 382

I put on a movie, leaving the stove open (hoping to get some warmth, at some point), and fell asleep earlier than I normally do, the movie only halfway through.

Just before four o'clock am, the carbon monoxide alarm started to go off, and I didn't know how to turn it off.  Probably, you're not supposed to be able to.

I opened the windows, loath as I am to do so out here, and fanned the doors several times.  My head is aching now, and I suppose that's evidence that there is something unhealthy in the air here.  I went upstairs, where it was smokier than elsewhere, and went out onto the deck to look at the stars for as long as I could stand it.  The Big Dipper was particularly bright out, but as often happens, my imagination started bugging me with spooky possibilities, and my mind went back to some of the more chilling moments from that movie from last night (which got its title from a conversation Quentin Tarantino had about the song titles that would make the best movie titles)*.

Eventually, the alarm stopped blaring, and I closed the windows, only then finding myself coughing a few times.  After a half hour or so, my headache started to fade, but I still sat here and finished editing a Dunesteef episode (that's right, a Dunesteef show!) before deciding to go back to sleep at 5:21am.

Words Today: 232
Words In November: 3751

*That being LAST NIGHT IN SOHO, a track I was unfamiliar with.

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