Saturday, January 01, 2022

December Sweeps - Day 700

Because it's a holiday, and there's no post today (and the stores are probably closed too), I slept an extra half hour this morning.  I'm not proud of it, but I'm certainly not ashamed of it.

Then I went through my blog, which is days overdue, and tried to figure out how many words I'd done each day (every time I go to the library, I write the word count and email the work back to me, so that's pretty good . . . but on days I don't go, I have to hope the WordCounter page still has my work, or the Calculator program with the number on it is still running.  Seems like there was one day when it didn't (in addition to the days where my laptop restarted without my permission up at the cabin, where nothing could be saved on the internet), and I had to go through my document and basically figure out what I had written on which day.  I wouldn't wish that on you, my friend.  But maybe on your brother.

Sit-ups Today: 100

A bunch of family members got together at my mom's house to play games for a couple of hours today, and we played the family version of Cards Against Humanity (family version means all the sexual references have been replaced with fart and butt references).  My cousin and his family came over, it having been a long time (a couple years) since they last did.

Push-ups Today: 100

I ended up playing a lot of cards during this week between Christmas and New Year's.  My oldest nephew loves to play games, and he has this one called Cover Your Assets that must've gotten played a dozen times this week.  I played several rounds with various groups, and one of the times I played, my niece made a comment about how high I was on the autism scale.  I thought she was joking (or trying to insult me), but her boyfriend immediately agreed, "Oh yeah, you are definitely autistic."

I guess maybe I don't know what that means, because it irritated me and they, knowing they'd gotten to me, insisted on bringing it up again and again, including when we were playing Cards Against Humanity.  Nobody else commented on it or disagreed with them, and it gave me pause.  

Again, either I don't know what autistic actually means, or I've deluded myself that I've been just a normal, average (or slightly less-than-average person) all this time.*

Does a handicapped person (a cripple, for example) always know he or she is handicapped?  If they don't know, is that a blessing?  I remember one of the callers-in (affectionately known as the Wack Pack) to the Howard Stern show was mentally challenged, and would often get made fun of for it, but surprised me for saying, on the air, "That doesn't bother me.  I like being retarded."  I never forgot that exchange, and it came back to me today . . . though I realize that word's pretty taboo nowadays.

Words Today: 402

*I was watching a video from this YouTuber named Big Joel, who while insightful and smart, strikes me as probably high-functioning autistic.  But he's got a wife, a successful YouTube channel, and he owns his own home, so again, I really need to look up the definition.

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