Monday, January 03, 2022

January Sweeps - Day 702

At the library again.  I put in a little rhyme in my story, because it's something I always do, but I couldn't think of any words that rhyme with "people."  Except for "steeple," but that's not what I was after.

So, I went to one of those rhyming websites, typed in "people," and was more than a little surprised by what I found.  Apparently, several words that rhyme with "people" include "couple, purple, simple, capsule, whistle, possible, grumble, oracle, bugle, dazzle, official, brutal, cattle, Portugal, manual, revival, literal, malleable, and dismantle."  I'm not sure what all of those words have in common, except one thing . . . none of them rhyme with "people."  Thanks.*

Sit-ups Today: 100
Sit-ups In January: 300

I may have gone on a little too much about the "You're definitely autistic" thing my niece said the other day (on here).  It bothered me because she said it not like it was an insult, but just a statement of fact.

There was a guy I've seen a dozen or more times before at the library (on the lower level where I do not hang out), who I distinctly remember muttering, "I'll fucking kill you" as he walked past me a few months ago, and I'll have to admit that I wondered today, "Is this how I look to other people?"  Every time I come to the library, there's either the scary homeless dude who glares at me like I loudly farted, or the poor blind Korean man who wouldn't tell me his name when I gave him a ride last year, or the "I'll kill you" wacko, and the thing they all have in common is being male, and regulars at the library.

Hey, I am male and a regular at the library.  It does make me think.

Push-ups Today: 100
Push-ups In January: 300

Words Today: 376
Words In January: 1176

*This is just a SAMPLING of what the website brought up.  The list actually consisted of 1446 words (I know, I did a count) that it thought rhymed with people.  But I did check, and yes, "steeple" was among them. 

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