Monday, January 31, 2022

January Sweeps - Day 730

I created 291 different images like this one, not counting the monthly blank ones.  A waste of time?  Maybe, but pretty fun.

Well, here we are . . . the last day.

People talked about how long 2020 was, but damn, these past two years have flown by faster than a date with your best girl who has to come home soon because of her father's curfew.

I KNOW that I will look back on these two years, with fondness and pride, and maybe Big is right, and I'll wish that I never stopped.  But enough is enough.  As I've said multiple times, I NEED to start publishing things, putting things out there, and if I dedicated a quarter of the time I've spent blogging this past two years to self-publishing, I'd have a dozen new books on Audible, and twice that on Amazon.

Sit-ups Today: 100
Sit-ups In January: 3127

Mondays tend to be busy for me, and today was no exception.  Even so, I feel like I got quite a bit accomplished, finishing the edit for the next podcast (although I haven't laid any music under it yet), and having ninety minutes to hit the library after I dropped packages off at the post office.

I forgot my phone today (luckily, I'd just left it in my car) and Gmail wouldn't let me log in on the library's computers (every day for the past two months, they've sent a message to my phone to make me verify my identity--assumedly because these are community PCs and that makes identity theft so easy.  It gave me options to get around the usual way of logging in, such as answering security questions . . . but literally every one of them involved checking in on my phone.*

If I were a librarian here, and someone curb-stomped one of these computers over something like that, I'd have to nod and say, "It's a fair cop."

Push-ups Today: 237
Push-ups In September: 3637

Today was the last day of the month, and I had taken my nephew jogging outside yesterday when I meant to hit the treadmill (I'd set a goal to do it once a week), so today I had to do it.  And it wasn't bad at all.  I suspect I'm taking it way easier with the treadmill than I did running my 1.6 miles the past two years.  But ah well.

And . . . I finished recording "Hatchling" tonight.  And even though it will win no awards (not even in the category of Rish Outfield Books Starting With The Letter H), I go to sleep with a sense of pride . . . that I wrote every day (and blogged every day) for the last two years, without fail, when it was easy and when it was hard.  And I look forward to missing both tomorrow!

Take care.

Words Today: 724
Words In January: 20,510

*When I'd hit Try Another Way, it would give me options like Call My Phone, or Send A Text To My Phone, or Send An Email . . . To My Phone.  Finally, I got up, went downstairs, left the building, went to the underground parking lot, got my phone, and came back in. It would normally be irritating, but not infuriating, but this is my last day of doing this, and I wanted to get a good number of words in.  So far, it's just 146.


Big Anklevich said...

What am I going to read when I have a lull in my responsibilities now? Crap, I'll probably have to start writing again or something.

Big Anklevich said...

By the way, you have to explain this to me, how does an actor feel weird in front of the camera? I've heard you say that before, but I don't understand.

Rish Outfield said...

I just hate seeing myself. Editing video is torture because of that face--something I don't struggle with on audio editing. And with Smartphones, you can see yourself in the screen when you're recording, so even if I'm not editing the video (like this one), the face is still there.