Thursday, January 20, 2022

January Sweeps - Day 719

I continue to edit episodes of my "Daily Outcast" podcast, which you can check out on my Patreon page (go ahead, I dare you).  Today, I edited the episode where I had, just that day, gotten an idea for a new carnival story, one I was thinking of calling "The Dark Gift."  I didn't know, on that day in November, if the story would be a good one or not, but I was exuberant about it, and felt like the idea was pretty darn good. 

But that story remains unfinished.  I worked on it for a week or so, then abandoned it, like I do, oh, 75% of my projects.  I have learned nothing in these three (oh jeez, now four) decades of trying to be a writer.

But before I wallow in self-pity, I emailed myself the manuscript, and let's see if I can't finish the sucker, just to prove that little voice in my head wrong.

It's only two thousand words long.  Weird.*

Sit-ups Today: 111
Sit-ups In January: 1944

One of my goals for the month was to run on a treadmill every week, and though I haven't mentioned it here, I have managed to do so every week in January.  I picked today to get it done, and tried to play a game on my phone while I did so, but I just couldn't 

Push-ups Today: 100
Push-ups In January: 1778

I recorded a new episode of the Outcast today, only the second of the year.  It was for that story I recorded the other night, and dang, but it was short (like twenty-two minutes before editing).  

Words Today: 632
Words In January: 11,107

*Turns out there were sections I'd written (in emails to myself), that I hadn't yet spliced in.

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