Wednesday, January 26, 2022

January Sweeps - Day 725

On my laptop, FireFox crashed tonight, which happens with all browsers from time to time, but when I restarted it, it was unable to restore all of my tabs.  It was the first time that had happened on this laptop (which is two years old now), and it would have probably staggered you to know just how many tabs I had on it (articles I always meant to read, websites I frequent a lot, websites I used to frequent, websites I don't go to at all, eBay searches for stuff I wanted once (like a Doctor Strange costume), and countless images I wanted to use for cover art or just to look at.

But ah well.  What can you do?

Sit-ups Today: 100
Sit-ups In January: 2605

We've gotten to the end of the month, and I really ought to do the math to see if I will achieve my goal of more push-ups in January than I managed in November (3636).  

Well, by my count, I still need 1086 push-ups to beat my November high.  That's, jeez, three hundred a day for the rest of the month?*

Push-ups Today: 111
Push-ups In January: 2550

Alright, I got to "The End" on the story.  It was 8:45 at the library.  I did my word count (608 words), pasted them into the original document, started to save my changes . . . and then was logged off the system, losing everything.

It did this to me once before, a year or so back, and I was furious, and this was the exact same experience (it gave me a five minute warning, and then logged me off about a minute after that).  If I had had thirty or forty more seconds, I'd have had the completed story saved and been out the door of the library before it closed.  As it stood, I was upset, but not overly so (I believe it was a lot more work that got deleted the last time this happened), I got up and walked out, again, two or three minutes before the library closed.  I can't help but think that someone running the system had a switch they flipped that logged everybody out, but I'll try not to dwell on it.

Instead, I guess I will sit down and write the ending again now that I'm home.  It's the only thing I can do that doesn't admit defeat.

But wow, it was not a pleasant writing experience.  Even now, an hour later, I'm only half through what I wrote in the hour I had to surf the internet--er, write at the library.

I didn't quite make it a second time.  Maybe two hundred words short.  But hey, I guess I get to count some of those words twice, don't I?

Words Today: 1098
Words In January: 16,692

*I actually did the math, and it's 217 a day.  Which is doable.

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