Saturday, October 02, 2021

October Sweeps - Day 609

Not much to report today.  I stayed at the cabin--it wasn't nearly as cold last night as the night before, and when the fire started to die down (around ten or eleven), I just forgot about it--and woke up with the sun super low in the sky again (no picture today).  I got two podcasts completely edited (one I think I'll post right soon), and started on a third.  I recorded a long British ghost story (I kept checking the recorder, hoping it would last, as well as its battery), which I haven't decided whether to do an episode on or not (I keep thinking I'll start making YouTube videos of my readings again, but I just haven't the ambition to tackle the damn video editing).

I fell asleep reading the Walt Disney book (Disneyland is a day away from opening), and when I woke, I decided I ought to pack up and leave early, in case there was work to do waiting at home.  It still took nearly half an hour to pack up my things and put away the bedding and pots and pans and stuff, and I can't really get over that (I honestly would've said I could be out of the cabin in five minutes, if I was hurrying).

Sit-ups Today: 100
Sit-ups In October: 200

Something that I did, just for fun, was grab an abandoned Hulkbuster toy from a couple of years ago that I had painted black, in anticipation of doing a Venomized version (this was that same stretch where I was making Symbiote dinosaurs from Jurassic World figures) that my four year old nephew has been playing with.  I painted eyes and a spider on it, and though it doesn't look particularly good, here's a picture before I give it back to the kid, who will probably beat other toys with it until it needs another paintjob.  I hadn't done any painting this summer, whereas I remember enjoying many projects last year, culminating on the big green T-Rex that is still upstairs by the broken telescope.

Push-Ups Today: 100
Push-ups In October: 240

Torn between starting some new writing project and not writing at all, I chose to sit down and write some details for where the Dead & Breakfast Christmas story could go.  Then I went ahead and wrote the opening scene.  It might not go anywhere--I need one more element, probably the ending--but it still counts as words, if only a few.

Words Today: 422
Words In October: 1479

1 comment:

Big Anklevich said...

I need to get on it with painting mine. It's not going to look amazing, because the design is just plain inferior, but it doesn't have to look like garbage.

Check out this dude's custom repaint.