Tuesday, November 07, 2023

Legacy Progress - Day 8

Abbie has started to listen to the chapters I've sent her, and she sent me a list of lines she wants me to do over again.  I was thinking I'd wait and do all of them together, once she'd heard a dozen chapters, but that might not be logical (after all, can I really mark them off my chart if there's a mistake in every one of them?).  What I'd really like to do is buckle down hard, getting as much done now as possible, so that late, when I'd tired and grouchy, I can move at a much more leisurely pace.


Something interesting (to me, anyway) that's been going while I record is, every time I make a mistake, I get angry, because I know I'll have to edit it out, and editing is a pain in my gonads.  And so, already getting angry, I make a second mistake, which makes me angrier still.  Fun, fun, fun, as the Monkees said*.

*Until her daddy took the bananas away.

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