Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Legacy Progress - Day 23

Okay, I'm in the home stretch.

Today, I'm editing Chapter 34 (a super short chapter, thank Bossk*), and I thought it would be interesting to count how many edits total it takes to get to the end.  My prediction is around thirty, but I'll count them at the end, and we'll see.

There are so many little edits one does on each chapter (unless you're Renee Chambliss, of course): mouth sounds, different line deliveries, pitching up Ilsa's voice so she sounds younger than Velta, adding Echo to thoughts, cutting out throat-clearing, the damned windchimes the neighbors decided to hang right outside my window**, and of course, all the mistakes I make

Luckily, most mouth sounds (though, infernally, not all) are easy to spot on the audio wave form.  Do you see the one here?

They often appear as a thin vertical line, which makes them easy to spot, except when they aren't.

So, I finished, saved the file, then closed it . . . only then realizing that I had meant to go back and count all the edits.  Whoops.  But let me say that, when I reached the five minute point, I did a count, just to see where I was, and I was at 84.  Eighty-four edits only partway through.  

Makes me feel all the dumber for forgetting to count at the end.

*Tomorrow's chapter is gargantuan.  Indeed, Bossk help us all.

**They said they were tired of hearing the audio of those Animes where screeching Japanese schoolgirls are molested by demons on midsummer nights.  To each their own.

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