Monday, November 20, 2023

Legacy Progress - Day 21

I decided to make myself edit Chapter 22 today (despite having skipped it and being in the 30s now).  The recording was about forty-five minutes long

I discovered--and I was aware of this during the recording, as I kept clearing my throat and cursing myself over it--that my mouth made an annoying popping sound in virtually every single sentence . . . sometimes multiples in a single sentence.  When I did Halvery's voice it was much, much worse (which is too bad, since he's the POV character in that chapter), and I cannot explain why that would be so.

Finally, I decided to make a Facebook post over on the Audiobook Narrator section that I never go to anymore, in case someone there has a tip or pre-narration ritual they follow.  In it, I wrote "I'm editing a chapter I recorded, and my mouth keeps making *popping* noises, like I was chewing gum or Elmer's Glue.  Do you have any advice as to avoid these mouth sounds?"  

I only got one reply, and it was so gloriously pedantic that I regretted ever posing the question, and indeed, ever being born.

But I edited my post to clarify that it was just on that chapter, and almost immediately, I got the kind of response I was looking for.

This person suggests green apples and salt and hot tea and the blood of Indonesian children (do you realize how EXPENSIVE that is over here, though?) and gargling salt water and honey.  I can try some of those.

Anyway, I got the chapter finished . . . only took me ninety minutes (final chapter total 28:44).  Sigh.

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