Friday, July 23, 2021

July Sweeps - Day 538

I am back at the library, and will probably do no writing at all.  This is why I come, but I consistently find other stuff to do (like blog) instead of putting words to (virtual) paper.  I guess I don't deserve to be a professional writer (which you already knew).

Still, I worked until my computer warned me that the battery was getting low, and it needed to be plugged in soon (I so rarely go that long that I was unfamiliar with that warning).  I checked, and it said there was still twenty-three minutes's worth of charge on the battery, and the library would be closing a couple of minutes before that, so I figured I was safe.

Unfortunately, about ten minutes after that warning, the computer shut itself down, right in the middle of a sentence, so that was that.

Sit-ups Today: 100
Sit-ups In July: 2489

Today was Kayla the Twin's last day at work, as I mentioned the other day.  She seemed unhappy about it, so I didn't want to bug her (we're not REALLY friends, you see, despite me having mentioned her a full dozen times over the past year).  But she's always been nice, so I did approach her before leaving to thank her for answering all my twin questions and to tell her my life was better for having known her.  I only got the twin part out before she surprised me with a hug and said, "No problem.  I'm glad to have known you."  That seemed so close to what I was about to say that it totally shut me up.  

I told you she was nice.*

Even though my palms have healed to the point where I can use them like normal, my knee keeps giving me trouble, especially when I try to do push-ups (you would think you'd have no need for knees when doing push-ups, but try it without sometime, would you?).

Push-ups Today: 60
Push-ups In July: 2448

I was just going through my story (I've already forgotten the title . . . again), and made a couple quick revisions (changing a word or two, adding clarifying sentences), and I found a moment where Devon Archibald calls Lara "Lara."

Whoops.  You see, she doesn't go by Lara Demming at that school.  Her fake name is Andi McAllister, and Devon can't know her real name, or it throws a big ole monkeywrench into the whole thing.  It's the sort of dumb mistake I'm sure I would've caught before I published it, but . . . what if I hadn't?  I talked in my podcast about doing an audiobook where the author got the main character's name wrong for an entire chapter, right?  And I realized it wasn't a new character later and had to go in and redo the lines for that earlier chapter?**  This could've been something bone-headed like that.

I wonder how many mistakes like that show up in my writing, never caught by me, but maybe caught by a reader (or two).  It's hard to be a writer.

Words Today: 806
Words In July: 21,578

*The sister must be the evil twin.

**T'was the last time I volunteered to do one of his audiobooks, figuring I wasn't being paid to be both narrator and editor.

1 comment:

Big Anklevich said...

Ah, well, I guess I know which author you're talking about then.