Tuesday, July 06, 2021

July Sweeps - Day 521

I like Tuesdays.  I came to the library again, and man, it pleases me to no end to see drinking fountains up and running again.  I'm sure I said that before, but I'll take a picture to show how much I mean it.

Sit-ups Today: 111
Sit-ups In July: 633

I went to my cousin's and we watched the second-to-last episode of "Loki," and I'm really, really enjoying it.  

Push-ups Today: 192
Push-ups In July: 751

Waiting for "Loki" to drop (only one episode left), I gave my cousin a bunch of options to watch, and one of them was a series called "Evil" that aired on CBS a year or two back.  Usually I don't watch shows on CBS, because I'm not yet in my seventies, but that was what he picked, and it was pretty interesting.  The main character is a young woman in her thirties that has four children (all girls) ranging between seven and twenty-three, and that was just mind-boggling.  Usually television shows shy away from that sort of real-world horror, but I guess this show wanted to be different.  My cousin himself has three children (all girls), and I asked him if he could even imagine the nightmare that woman might be in--having a bunch of kids, all of them daughters?

He couldn't imagine, but he plays video games instead of reading, so I don't blame him.  

Anyway, we watched the first two episodes, and I think the show is interesting, but I really ought to go online and make sure it didn't just get canceled mid-way through and fizzle out like shows sometimes do.  Not that we would necessarily stop watching it, if that were the case, but I have stopped watching (or outright avoided watching) shows when I found out that sort of thing happened to it.

Words Today: 1192
Words In July: 5663

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