Monday, May 24, 2021

May Sweeps - Day 478

The other day, Big Anklevich let me know that one of my blog posts was NSFW (which stands for Not Safe For Work, for you senior citizens out there), and that I needed to watch what sorts of pictures I post on here.  So, for his benefit anyway, I removed the picture of naked Hitler achieving full-color climax, and replaced it with a black and white smiling Hitler photo.

Sit-ups Today: 100
Sit-ups In May: 2412

Are you familiar with the Marvel Comics character MODOK?  He is a bad guy, the leader of AIM, and his name is an acronym short for Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing.  

My first exposure to the character was in 2006, when ToyBiz put out an excellent version of him in their Marvel Legends releases.  I just loved the name, and kept the figure all these years.

But now, in 2021, Hasbro has put out their own version in a big, expensive, deluxe package.*  I knew I didn't NEED it, since I still have--and quite like--the 2006 one.  But yesterday, I saw it on store shelves, and I was sorely tempted.

Then, when being told that they were on sale this week . . . I bought three.  Sigh.

Push-ups Today: 66
Push-ups In May: 2699


I went to the library, thinking I'd get some writing done.  But instead, I blogged and surfed the internet.  I got tricked into clicking on an article about the "Charlie Bit My Finger" video being removed from YouTube ("You won't believe why!"**), and it included an interview with the boys' father, who said that the "Charlie bit my finger, it really hurt!" video has touched so many people and changed so many lives, I pretty much had to stop reading.

There is one girl in view wearing a mask (oh, another one just walked past--oh, and she has a boyfriend with a mask too!), and everybody else is maskless.  Yesterday at Walmart, I saw an obviously-too-young girl running a register, and she was so pretty as to make me stop in my tracks.  She looked at me, somewhat alarmed, and I said, "It's nice to see people's faces again."

Would've been a perfect opportunity for her to say, "Ugh, speak for yourself," but she only nodded and continued ringing up purchases.

Now I will TRY to write something (my word count for the day stands at 27 words).  

Damn.  I made reference to carbolic acid just now, and then had to go online to see if it was what I thought it was.  And then . . . it was Wednesday.  Somehow, I had fallen through a trapdoor into internet obscurity, and woke up reading the script to Monty Python's "Election Night Special."

But hey, I got into it when I went back to it.  I wrote the climax, and got an idea for the next moment in the story, which I should be able to write up tonight or tomorrow.  With any luck (or more accurately, effort), I'll have finished the whole thing this week.

A very brave Kevin Phillips Bong there.

Words Today: 937
Words In May: 15,338

*Shoot, I am reminded now (in looking up photos) that another company put out a smaller, cheaper version in 2015 or so, and that I also bought that version when it went on clearance.  I may have a problem.

**It would seem that some greedy pervert bought the rights to the video, thinking he would gain all the monetization from this point on, but has yet to reupload it.

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