Tuesday, March 23, 2021

March Sweeps - Day 416

I mentioned my own laziness yesterday, and it was about a week ago that I overslept in the morning, and felt like a knob and a sloth for the rest of the day (perhaps the rare Scandinavian knobby sloth?).  You'll often see parents worrying about their children, how they'll turn out, whether they'll be productive members of society, and whether the offspring will exhibit their own worst qualities.  Ben Folds has a song he wrote for his son where he sings, "And you're so much, Like me . . . I'm sorry."

My nephew just turned thirteen, and I'll often find him asleep on the couch, usually with the TV on, but sometimes just there, sleeping the day away, at least until his friends come over to play video games or take him off to play at their houses.  Some days he sleeps three, four, five hours there on the couch.  It disturbs me.

I asked him to take a garbage can around yesterday three or four times, and my sister asked him two more times, finally resorting to screaming at him, and last night, he borrowed my phone charging cord, and when I asked him for it this afternoon, he said he'd get it, then he didn't.  He was watching "Friends," and I asked again, and he said he would, during the commercial, but when the ads started, he didn't go get it for me.  I asked a third time, and he said he would . . . later.

When my sister finally turned off the television and screamed at him to do what I said, he got up, crossed the room, and had my charger in my hand literally eight seconds later.  Not a tremendous amount of work had been required of the boy.

I guess it's because my life is now in the seventh inning stretch, I start thinking about the future and all.  I think about the mistakes I made and would hope that the younger generation--the people I care about anyway--don't make the same ones.  

Maybe you do too.  

Sit-ups Today: 100
Sit-ups In March: 2329

Push-ups Today: 66
Push-ups In March: 2365

Words Today: 660 (kind of matches the push-ups)
Words In March: 18,947

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