Monday, March 22, 2021

March Sweeps - Day 415

Today was incredibly busy for me.  I had more work to do than I usually do, or it was a regular day and I was just eleven times lazier than I usually am.  It came out to the same thing either way.

I didn't have time to do anything, not go to the library, not do my run, not to blog, not watch TV.  But I had to take the garbages around, so I put on my rollerblades again to push them around, and I did almost fall down at one point, which reminded me of just how terrified I am of using them on the concrete, even after all these tries.

Rollerblading In March: 6 (of 10)

 Sit-ups Today: 100
Sit-ups In March: 2229

This isn't a Tale of eBay Horror,* but it's a little irritating thing I'm going to say to keep myself from writing for two more minutes.  I've complained about Star Wars collectors, and how finicky and bitchy and entitled they are (and I'll continue to do so--they are the absolute worst**), but it's my understanding that that mindset affects Pop Vinyls and GI Joes and Transformers and Marvel and--if you can believe it--Power Rangers fans as well.  

I've gotten so tired of what are known as MOC collectors ("Mint On Card," meaning a package without any bends or scrapes or imperfections) that I now often deliberately open the first figure I find of something I'm going to sell, so I can sell them as loose/Used instead of packaged, which not only costs more to ship, but you have the NIB collectors ("New In Box," a synonym for MOC collectors) to deal with, and you have to find a box to ship them in.  Whereas, if I sell them loose, I have thousands of envelopes I've bought (in bulk) that save me hours and several headaches a year.***

Could I sell them for more if they were in absolutely pristine condition?  Of course.  But my entire beard would be white, instead of only little patches of it I'm constantly trying to hide, hoping I can still play a high schooler in a CW show.

So, over the weekend, I found some new figures, and the first thing I did was take them out of the box and take pictures of them loose, knowing that if you are one of those collectors that complains that one of the corners of the box is dented, you'll pass right by mine with no interest.  I'd like to only sell to people who will play with/display their figures from now on, even if it means I sell far fewer items.  

I put them up for sale, and the next day, I had an email from some douche who thought it would be helpful to send the following: "Those cost twenty dollars new at the store.  Your's are USED.

That's it, not really worth blogging about, but hey, it kept me from writing for . . . oh dear, eighteen minutes.

Push-ups Today: 151
Push-ups In March: 2299

I did get some writing in at the end of the night--it was after one--on my "Lara and the Witch" story, and it's actually closing in on the end.  If I were as productive as I was this time last year, I'd have finished it by now, but today, I don't really know how the story's going to end.  Maybe if I had gone on my run, but I made my choice as to how to spend my time today (Marshal and I did a podcast together, so that's at least something), and I'll make sure to run tomorrow, see if I can't focus on that story and find out where it should end up.

You never know where your mind will go when you exercise, though.  Lots of times, whatever song I hear or vehicle or person or house I see influences where my mind goes.  And sometimes I'll just turn on a YouTube video and listen to it while I run, and then I'm thinking of nothing.  I guess you could say that about this blog as well.

Words Today: 795
Words In March: 18,287

*Though I did finish the next episode--only two years late!

***Sometimes it horrifies me when I'll hear a fanboy complain about THE LAST JEDI, all this time later.  But hey, bring up the Prequels with me sometime, and I'll still just let 'er rip.  Much like I did in the library the other day--they're still fumigating that section of the second floor.

***Case in point, I sold a Star Wars droid on Sunday, and haven't found a box to ship it in, so it just sits on my desk, until I can find the perfect box, probably pissing off the buyer.  But my only other option is to ship it in a big box, which means I have to find some kind of padding for it, and it will weigh more, which costs me more money to ship.

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