Tuesday, October 11, 2022



I woke up a bit early today, intent on getting some good work done.  After my shower, I even forced myself to do fifty push-ups (for some reason).  I finished what I had to do, threw everything in the car, and headed out for my weekly drive up the canyon.

So, here we go.  I have challenged myself to go to the cabin, and NOT COME BACK until I've finished the edit of "Arcove's Bright Side."  It's actually doable--if I get eleven chapters edited, I'll be done.  And last night, I started on one chapter already, which should make it all the more easier.*

As motivation (beyond just having it done and getting paid), I bought one of those expensive Bang energy drinks I tried a month ago and loved.  I even took a picture of the one I drank to act as motivation, and stuck it at the back of my soup shelf at the house.  Hey, every little bit helps.

I just finished editing the first chapter (of what, eleven?), and decided to go out in the sunshine and gather kindling for the fire.  I remember doing it last year, and stacking up wood outside the door, which I was extremely grateful for on the days it had snowed and was freezing.  It was only after I had exhausted that stacked wood that I got wet logs, and nearly killed myself at the very end of the season (I talked about that, didn't I?).  So, I should do it a lot today, while it's pleasant, so I have plenty when it isn't.

I did gather wood, unloaded the back of my car (I keep meaning to get new tires--one is Vin Diesel bald--but have been embarrassed it looks like a place where homeless people go to die back there [I only found one, by the way, and he could've died of anything]), and started on yet another chapter.  It was a longish one, and the sun went down as I was in the middle of it, but I forced myself to sit and finish before allowing myself the luxury of exercise.

I did my run, way later than I planned to (it was very close to full dark when I got to the dam, and I could see big dark shapes with white tails on both sides of it below me), but I did fine, sent Big a text (he was the one who came up with that Paquis Single Chip Challenge, and now all those deaths have made him feel a little bit guilty**), and then came home to start a new chapter .  In anticipation of this trip (which will be the longest one of the year, if I'm not diligent), I grabbed a couple DVDs from the library, including the Andy Serkis PLANET OF THE APES trilogy.  I had only ever seen the first one. 

Well, for some reason, I couldn't find that one (RISE? Maybe I never checked it out again, or worse, maybe I dropped it), so I went on to the second one, DAWN OF THE PLANET OF THE APES.  It was incredibly ambitious, and there were times when the apes totally looked like they were really there, but the designs were so ugly that I kept coming out of the movie, and longed for the 1968 ones, or even the Rick Baker 2001 versions.  As usual, I felt guilty every half hour or so, paused the movie, and went back to editing for a little while.  I thrive on deadlines, but "thriving" is relative.

Exercise: Yes (11)

*More easier?  Am I a writer or not?

**But more upon discovering that "Paki" is a racial slur in the UK.  He's an inadvertent killer, not a monster.

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