Thursday, March 30, 2023

Donald Trump Indicated/Indicted

I'm not usually very political on my blog.  Sure, I make exceptions, but there's just so much of that stuff out there that I have nothing unique or particularly savvy to say about our political landscape.  But that much-delayed Trump indictment came out today (presumably the first of many), and the ex-President did his usual scream-tweeting about how this is an attack on our country the likes of which have never been seen before (his words, not mine*).  

While I doubt that the man will do any jail time, and even suspect the numerous other investigations will never lead to anything, I guess this is a bit of a momentous occasion, since no President has ever been brought up on charges in the history of our country.

So, I guess this is noteworthy enough to say something political.  But what?  

I guess I'll just mention that, Donald Trump is the most blatantly corrupt person ever to hold high office in the United States, and while it's pretty fun to see supervillains in comic books get away with their crimes in issue after issue (or episode after episode), if someone made a movie about this guy a hundred years from now, nobody would ever believe it.

*He also said he had been "indicated" instead of indicted, but ah well.

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