Thursday, September 15, 2022

9/14 & 9/15


It had been raining today and last night, to the point where everybody but my cousin put on long pants instead of shorts, and I knew the cabin would be even cooler, so I took a jacket.  And yeah, it's cold up here--in the fifties during the day, the forties during the night, and I not only put on my jacket around the cabin, but I slept in it as well.

I was pretty tired when I arrived, and started editing audio as soon as I'd had my stuff brought upstairs . . . but couldn't keep my eyes open.  So I laid down on the couch, set the timer on my phone, and napped for a few minutes.  And now I'm back, baby, with energy to spare!  Okay, not to spare, but with energy sufficient to accomplish a bit more editing.

It was the hardest chapter (for me to record) in the whole book, and the editing was actually easier--although there were two lines that were Halvery's that I delivered in Roup's voice, so I'll have to do them over again.*

When editing Abbie's book got too hard, I'd switch over to an Outcast that I recorded with Big Anklevich (probably won't drop until October now), because it's so much less labor-intensive, but I found myself noticing mouth sounds or breaths that Big and I made, and cut out two or three of them before I realized I didn't have to.

I got a chapter edited, then recorded Frank Sinatra lines for Big's podcast.  And man o' man, was he foolish to have me voice that character.  Oh, not because I do a bad job, bucko--hell no, I'm firing on all cylinders there.  But because now I can't stop talking like Frank Sinatra, even as I walk around the cabin, worried that it's gonna be miserable cold once it gets dark.  But that's what the Big Man made long-sleeved shirts for, ain't it, sister?

For an upcoming episode of my movie review podcast with Marshal, I grabbed VALERIAN AND THE CITY OF A THOUSAND WORLDS (still hard to get my mouth around that title) from the library, along with JUPITER ASCENDING, two massive Sci-Fi flops from the last decade, both of which I heard were pretty bad.  By the time he and I get around to talking about it, I'm not going to remember anything about it, except how disastrous the casting was.  Sigh.

Exercise: Yes (11)


That's it, middle of the month (already).  Everybody out of the pool.

Okay, that's not true.  It's more that the lifeguard blew the whistle and shouted, "Fifteen minutes!" to let the kids know that the fun is ending soon--you don't have to go home, but you can't stay here (at least not like fat Rodney Punder, who they found floating at the bottom of the deep end at the beginning of the summer, causing them to close the pool for nearly two months out of some kind of misbegotten respect for the dead).

Exercise: Yes (12)

*Maybe no one else would notice, but hey, maybe they would.

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