Thursday, September 01, 2022


I went up onto the top deck to do some exercise (only a mile on the bike, but like writing, every little bit is SOMETHING), and while I was peddling, I heard a beeping sound, coming from somewhere.  It sounded like the noise your vehicle makes when the door is open, or the beep of a smoke detector when the batteries are almost dead.  But I couldn't figure out where it was coming from.  I went back inside, and it wasn't here, so I put my shoes on (and me pants, lest I fergit), and wandered around outside, hearing the beeping only when the wind died down enough for it to carry to me.  

Turned out, after quite a bit of wandering, that it was coming from inside the motorhome on the other side of the road, in a property where a family is one day going to build a cabin, but right now, just brings RVs.  It was a beeping, like an alarm clock or something, but it was inside, and I didn't try the door.  

On the walk back to the cabin (time to edit another "Arcove" chapter, kids), I tried to imagine what kind of story that could inspire--someone hearing a sound where there's no people, and going to investigate.  

Or, what if you were walking along in the wilderness, and you started to hear music somewhere.  "What's that?"  You walk a few steps, and think, "Is that Hotel California?"  And you keep looking, and find a car down an embankment or half-buried in a mudslide, and its radio is still broadcasting.  And then . . . ?

I have gotten two chapters entirely edited (finishing out the first section of the book--there are two, though the second is three times the size of the first), and just opened a third.  I also grabbed the recording of my Patreon address and the next Outcast episode, so I can edit on those too, when I get restless.  I also thought I'd finish the video I started last night, and maybe record a story from that book of old British ghost stories.  Cool, except . . . now the sun is already lowering in the sky.  Somehow, the day is nearly done.  And I need to get home fairly early, so I can make sure I know what tomorrow's shooting schedule will be like, and can gather appropriate winter clothes not just for me, but for my nephew as well.  Okay, well, I'll give myself twenty more minutes, then I'll pack up.  Early, yes, but hey.

I set the crazy goal of exercising 25 days in the month of September, so I'll try to keep track of it here.

Exercise Day: Yes (1)

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