Tuesday, December 05, 2023

My Tale "With A Banjo On My Knee" on Journey Into...

Months back, Marshal Latham tried his darndest to end our friendship with his writing contest, the Quordel Quell.  You may remember.

It was a contest where those who entered were given four words, generated by a game of Quordel (engineered by the Devil himself, by the way), that we were supposed to craft a story around.  I struggled quite a bit with it, but went ahead and wrote a story, "With A Banjo On My Knee," and submitted it.*

It told of Garrett McClaren's discovery of a banjo that seems to have an unusual, maybe even magical effect on people.

Well, Marshal has created a production of that story over on the Journey Into... podcast, and it's available now, if you'd like to listen to it.  He went nuts with full-cast (again), and there are a bunch of familiar faceless voices in this one.**  I lent my voice to the main character's douchey boss (which is a bit strange, having a bit part in my own story, but I'm always happy to participate, as long as it doesn't involve editing), a young man with a banjo that people quite enjoy the sound of.  Feel free to check it out HERE.

*It may have been the last time I ever wrote a story.  And can you blame me?  (you know who I blame)

**Big Anklevich also voices one of the characters.

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