Saturday, September 14, 2024

Final Friday in December

Back in 2020, I wrote a whole series of "Dead & Breakfast" stories, set in the Noble Oaks B&B in Vernon, Idaho*, and one of them was "The Last Friday In December."  As time went by, I recorded the stories, one by one, and put them out for people to buy (or not buy).  But for some reason, I never published "Last Friday," even though I recorded it way back when.**

Anyway, this past week, I had the choice between editing my performance of either "Reply Hazy" or this one, and as I liked this story more, it was what I picked.  And I still like it.

In this one, Mason Bradley gets a phone call, telling him that he can be of use on the night of December 28th, and the caller is clearly not of this world.  He enlists Natalie Whitmore (the other night clerk) to help him, as the ghosts seem to have recruited him to save someone's life.

I know I'm not a good self-promoter, but you can pick up the story HERE.  Thanks.

*I saw this week that there's a Vernon, California (as well as one in British Columbia), but it's not at all related.

**Gino Moretto sent me a cover back in 2021, so I couldn't use lack of a cover as an excuse.  Is that your hand, Gino?

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